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Fri, 23 Jul 2021 05:28:04 +0000
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  5. [Translated] Redbull Japan Interviews Bonchan, Tokido on their perspectives of other Kumite attending Japanese players like Daigo and Nemo Part 3 : Kappa

Main goal is to discover what's going on there and perhaps stop it if necessary. Akane Hayashi - Leader Abdullah Yousef - Leader Colourless forces RIFT Field Unit 1 - The entry point is the ground floor. The objective is retrieving the RIFT VIP in Aogiri captivity. Ursa Team 1 - Scattered throughout the building; Their goal is discovering the specifics of this Aogiri operation and trying to extract the greatest possible benefit from it/hinder it if possible:re cafe/Red Sun event Premise Following the events of the Monochrome arc, Tadashi began investigating into the other ghoul organisation within the 20th Ward. Upon discovering their location, the man decided on negotiating with them and figuring out how to balance the situation in Nerima. Setting The employees of the:re cafe approach the Red Sun base, the Ivory Castle. The events of the arc thread occur there. Tasks:re Negotiation Team Tadashi Hisakawa - Manager Ume Wu Rendi Reserve Team - Stationed close by in case anything happens Other employees Red Sun Negotiating Zhi Yun Running the mansion Shouwei Chen Lù Yin Wang Mizu Kohi

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I would've put up more of a fight, but between the surely cracked skull (it actually turned out to just be bruised) and having no other options, I relented. I didn't realize Cole had been speaking with the less gung ho of the soldiers. "What is Voyna Rot? " "War Mouth. You American too? " "No no, Norwegian. This is normal, you know? I'm used to trolls. " The two laughed. I remember thinking that I f###ing hated Cole Slaw in that moment: both the person and the food. Elise had been surprisingly quiet. But as we all walked to the jeep (some slower and more bruised than others) the a##hole soldier spoke. "Where is girl? " We all turned and looked at our group. Then, upon turning around, we saw Elise still glued to her spot by the snowmobiles. The soldier shouted: "Girl, you must come to jeep. " She didn't move, but she was shivering. This was odd, since even during this storm, the parkas certainly did their jobs. I ran over. By ran I mean I fell over myself, slipping on the ice in my daze.

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He's very 'my face' type of person, but is there anything health, life, or mind-wise something you would like to learn from him? Daigo often says 'Losing won't kill you, just play as you like. ' and I know what he means. Daigo once told me that he has actually thought about how he would play if he really died after losing. Nobody really thinks of death playing a video game. As if he is Miyamoto Musashi fighting Ganryujima perhaps? I am practicing Karate at the moment, and when you train too hard your condition becomes shaky and it starts to hurt you (laughs). Not too long ago I caught a fever taking too much damage and such. But for someone who is removed from hard physical activity like Daigo, to think of physical death playing a game gave me some understanding as to how seriously he used to play the game. That perhaps gives him the strength to be better. So he was that serious playing the game even as to consider it a life or death situation, although it wasn't. People with no such experience will understand that 'There is no tomorrow' mentality.

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Nonetheless, here are six elements every effective marketing plan includes: 1. Business Summary In a marketing plan, your Business Summary is exactly what it sounds like: a summary of the organization. This includes the company name, where it's headquartered, and its mission statement -- all of which should be consistent with the business as a whole. Your marketing plan's Business Summary also includes a SWOT analysis, which stands for the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Be patient with your business's SWOT analysis; you'll write most of it based on how you fill out the next few marketing plan elements below. 2. Business Initiatives The Business Initiatives element of a marketing plan helps you segment the various goals of your department. Be careful not to include big-picture company initiatives, which you'd normally find in a business plan. This section of your marketing plan should outline the projects that are specific to marketing. You'll also describe the goals of those projects and how those goals will be measured.

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Greetings, In this thread you'll find all the relevant information for the Spotlight arc. First off, a bit of narrative and setting. The bigger event will be explained first, with the:re/Red Sun event explained below it. Premise The goal of the 7th Ward TV tower attack is to gain Aogiri access to the media, so that the organisation may make a statement. Naturally, the CCG moves in to exterminate any ghouls they come across, as per protocol. Setting The tower is fairly tall and hence has many floors. For the sake of simplicity and ensuring that the event is not too spread out, we'll be focusing on a handful of floors (though do note that you're not restricted to those floors only; you may move around the building as needed). You can find further elaboration on the specific floors in the locations section. Faction Involvement Aogiri Tree The attack on the TV tower is the culmination of a long-standing Aogiri plan revolving around the manipulation of public opinion. Given that the operation was conducted with finesse and subtlety in mind, the Aogiri forces aren't too numerous.

The woman in the Shiraho household looks very similar to Suzuran but Suzuran does not have any siblings. It can be assumed then that this woman is Suzuran's mother but we don't know for definite. VOLUME 7 - BONUS CHAPTER 2 Mei returns home to find Yuzu sat in front of the television. Mei's expression darkens when she sees Yuzu cuddling a strange stuffed toy. "There's been an increase of strange objects like that in our room recently. Can't something be done about it? " Mei asks. Yuzu insists that her trinkets are cute and offers numerous examples as proof, but Mei still disagrees. Mei bags all of the strange items up so that they can be stored in the closet. Yuzu is suddenly struck with inspiration. "The thing I think is cutest is you, Mei. " Mei pauses before suggesting that the two end this talk. The next scene shows Harumin running in the rain while telling someone over the phone that she doesn't want to hang out with them all of the time. Harumin runs to a covered area for shelter and is surprised to see that Mei is also there to get out of the rain.

[Translated] Redbull Japan Interviews Bonchan, Tokido on their perspectives of other Kumite attending Japanese players like Daigo and Nemo Part 3 : Kappa

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