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Job Interview For Teachers And Answer

Wed, 21 Jul 2021 17:49:11 +0000

ROBLEDO: But decisions are being made at the (statewide) level, something truly terrible because nothing and no one is above the law. In addition to the "death sentence" angle, twice in the report both the anchor and her guest emphasized how terrible and reckless DeSantis was, with Sarassa stating that "Florida's largest teachers' union had filed a lawsuit against the governor of that state, Mr. Ron DeSantis, saying that reopening as early as the fall would be reckless, " and the "organizer and activist" adding that decisions made at the (statewide) level are "something truly terrible because nothing and no one is above the law. " True. No one is above the law, nor pretending to be in this particular issue, and no one in Univision's audience – especially the parents of children who are being deprived of their education in the name of political agendas – deserves to hear one-sided, politically charged reporting with no pushback nor opposing views. Univision's viewers did not hear from Hispanic parents who want schools to open, nor from experts with views on how to safely make that happen, nor from anyone from the DeSantis Administration.

Job interview for teachers and answer examples

But to tell us a little more about the reactions to this, we are now connecting to the epicenter of the epicenter of the pandemic- Miami-Dade- with the teacher Ingrid Robledo. How are you? Welcome to "Digital Edition". You basically said that going back to schools would be a death sentence. Tell us more. INGRID ROBLEDO: Well. The fact that students report to the school, as well as teachers and faculty and administrative staff, means that the possibility of infection has opened up. Let's not lose sight of these students returning home, they go back to their parents, their grandparents. And if they are carriers of the virus then we are simply spreading the epidemic. And that's terrible because the interaction in the classroom is so personal that direct contact with students is unavoidable, especially since in classrooms, there are so many students who participate and the teacher interacts there almost in a maternal way. So, the possibility of going back to the classroom is totally wrong, given the very drastic circumstances that we are living.

Briefly. ROBLEDO: First of all, that he must take care to make coherent decisions because of the situation; and delegate to the superintendents and school boards of each of the districts so that they are the ones that, according to the specific circumstances of this district, make the decisions that need to be made. But he can absolutely not impose a decision of that magnitude, where the lives of an entire community are placed at risk. When schools open up, the community opens up because we are the heart of that community. So be careful and consistent with the circumstances before imposing any decision. SARASSA: And later we will continue this very interesting conversation with you. I agree they are the heart of the community. Ingrid Toledo, Miami-Dade County teacher. Thank you very much. There's more ahead.

Job interview for teachers and answer interview

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