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Thu, 22 Jul 2021 03:03:32 +0000
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The company invests in CLO equity, and focuses on current income generation – in other words, ensuring a return for its own investors. While Eagle Point is a small-cap player, the company does boast $3 billion in assets under management – showing that it punches above its weight. Last month, Eagle Point reported 4Q20 earnings, with EPS of 24 cents, below the expectation of 29 cents. However, the current earnings just edged into growth quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year, as 3Q20 and 4Q19 both came in at 23 cents. Turning to the dividend, we find that Eagle Point does something slightly unusual. The company pays out a monthly dividend, rather than quarterly. The current payment, at 8 cents per common share, has been held steady for over a year now, and the company has not missed a distribution. At 96 cents per common share annually, the dividend yields is 8. 4%. This is robust by any standard. B. Riley's 5-star analyst Randy Binner covers Eagle Point, and he notes that the company should have no problem in maintaining its dividend coverage moving forward.

Use our template and sample notes to craft this follow-up email correctly. Viterbo University on Instagram: "Thank you to all of the area organizations (about 80! ) who came to campus to meet students at our annual Career, Internship, and Graduate…" 128 Likes, 1 Comments - Viterbo University (@viterbouniversity) on Instagram: "Thank you to all of the area organizations (about 80! ) who came to campus to meet students at our…" How to wow any hiring manager with 80 resume power verbs | The LC Studio How to wow any hiring manager with 80 resume power verbs | The LC Studio How to wow any hiring manager Everything You Need to Know About Underemployment Are you dealing with underemployment? Maybe you have a part-time or contract role but prefer something full-time, or you less than you typically would with your education and experience, or you're overqualified for your current position. Here are five tips to fight the damaging effects of being… The 10 Common Interview Questions You Might Not Have Answers For | Career Contessa When you ask the right job interview questions, you're giving your potential employer proof that you're the candidate she needs.

Qualifications Wales said A-Level students should continue to be graded as normal, but younger pupils should face a relaxed system. It comes after the summer's exam season turned into a fiasco as tests were cancelled due to the Covid-19 lockdown and and an algorithm was used to award grades. Outcry over those results saw a U-turn from Government and teachers' predicted grades were used instead. Calls to scrap exams next year in Wales come as GCSE and A-Level pupils are set to miss school next week as part of the Welsh Government's 'firebreak' lockdown. Pupils in England are expected to take their exams as normal, but exams regulator Ofqual is working with Qualifications Wales to see how they can be taken fairly, as pupils continue to lose out on classroom time. Next summer's National 5 exams in Scotland, roughly equivalent to GCSEs, have been scrapped to make more time for Highers exams, which are similar to A-Levels. Pupils have faced major disruption to their learning since the Covid-19 sparked a lockdown in March.

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Although there is no longer a specific statutory retention period, employers still have to keep sickness records to best suit their business needs. It is advisable to keep records for at least 3 months after the end of the period of sick leave in case of a disability discrimination claim. However if there were to be a contractual claim for breach of an employment contract it may be safer to keep records for 6 years after the employment ceases. Time cards 2 years after audit Trade union agreements 10 years after ceasing to be effective Trust deeds and rules Trustees' minute books Works council minutes Restore works with HR teams to create record management systems that can pull information together and automatically move to a recycle bin when predefined criteria are met. This makes meeting retention deadlines an easy, automated process - with a quick look through the recycle bin before information is permanently deleted. If you have any questions around retention periods or need help to ensure your data is GDPR compliant, get in touch with Restore, an expert on all things GDPR: Find out how intelligent software enables immediate improvements in HR processes from recruiting to annual reviews to talent management.

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