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Kenya National Audit Office Job Vacancies

Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:46:59 +0000

You'll make an impact that you and the nation will benefit from. You will develop your skills as a professional, a manager and a leader. You will be equipped for a fantastic career. So come, join us and be part of the bigger picture at the National Audit Office (NAO). Alongside working towards your Chartered Accountancy qualification, you'll work with a wide range of clients, including central and local government. You'll start out as a team member supporting our core financial audits, and will gradually get to work on bigger audits and more complex projects, taking the lead as you develop your skills and confidence. Whilst working mainly on financial audits you'll also have the opportunity to be involved in a range of our other work – including support for Parliament, investigations, and our larger value for money studies and programmes which result in high-profile reports to Parliament that often make the headlines. You can find out a lot more about us and our work from our website. Where will I go?

Kenya national audit office job vacancies

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On the basis of this need, the Public Audit Act, No. 11 of 2008 was enacted. All these laws provided powers, functions and responsibilities of the CAG. Read Also:- Free Job Application Cover Letter Sample 2020 The laws gave mandate to the CAG to examine, inquire into and audit the accounts of all accounting officers and receivers of revenue on behalf of the National Assembly. In exercising this mandate, the CAG has powers to call upon any officer for any explanation and information. Also the CAG has powers to authorize any person publicly carrying on the profession of an accountant or an auditor or any other expert to carry out any inquiry, examination or audit and has powers of disallowing any payments made illegally. National Audit Office of Tanzania Read Also:- 168 Applicants Get Job Through KANZIDATA The main difference between the Exchequer and Audit Ordinance and the Public Finance Act was that the former was based on Regularity audit while the latter widened the scope of audit to include among others value for money audit.

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